Rocky on ARM Cortex-A53?

I’ve seen somewhere that rocky can run on ARM but I’ve not found on what.
Does anyone know of a bootable rocky iso for the ARM Cortex-A53?

The SIG/AltArch team supports the 64bit RPI which you can find here:

As for others, we are in the process of supporting other SBC’s. You can find details here:

But these are early stages! Actively working, but nothing released yet. If you are interested in helping, let me know.

If I was a developer, I’d be right on that but I guess I’ll have to wait.
I’d love to see Rocky running on Libre boards. They aren’t actually fully compatible with Pi boards but that might be in terms of GPIO’s and similar things I’ve read. Not sure if that includes not being able to run Rocky.

We have a few Libre boards on the list with the hope of supporting them soon. As for not being a developer, we are also in need of people who are simply willing to verify that new images work properly and/or willing to answer community questions about the boards. We’d welcome the help if you are interested.

I’ll keep an eye on that list and when I gain some knowledge, would love to help when I can assuming my days get a little shorter at some point.

Thank you for your help.

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