Meraki MX65 - Install Rocky?

Hey guys!

First time posting and I’m grasping at straws to figure out what to do with this Meraki MX65 that I got laying around. I’m hoping to install rocky (preferably) or some other system on it since I dont want to continue pay for a Cisco license. Does anyone have any experience with doing such things?


I think you would have problems for that, mostly because the CPU is an Arm cortex a9 which is 32 bit. All Rocky images are 64 bit.

There is something about that hardware on OpenWRT page.

I don’t have an ETA, but one our releng folks has made a lot of progress on supporting armhfp (or armv7lh, 32-bit ARM) for Rocky 9 for SIG/AltArch as a secondary architecture. There’s a bootstrap that was done and we’re hoping to bring it into the build system soon and start building it fully and pushing out images in the coming weeks.