Question on ETCD ackages on Rocky Linux 9.3

Hello Eveyone

A simple question has the ETCD package been removed from rocky 9.3 as in previous installs i could just yum install etcd with ansible-playbook. but now the package cannot be found with a yum search.
I see its available in CentOS 7 but not RHEL9 ALMA9 and Rocky 9.3.

Ive got these repos enabled

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264
Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS 
Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream
Rocky Linux 9 - Extras

Any advice on what i can do.

Ok so i managed to find the package by going through the mirror and found etcd


Ok im a HUGE idiot.

I first had to install the Openstack package now ETCD will in a yum search.

I had my Ansible playbooks in reverses so when i installed the first time the Openstack packages brought ETCD with it. but in my new playbooks i tried to install etcd before Openstack packages.



That happens to us all. We (you and me) develop in systems that already have stuff, so some of the dependencies are not obvious on first tests.

Thanks for understanding :joy:

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