How can i remove red notification from files in Rocky Linux 9?

How can i remove red notification from files in Rocky Linux 9 ?
it just won’t go away, no matter if i open the files
it has been there for a long time


Thank you for the help you can provide

Hello @stefaniecg

not sure if that simply an icon or not


  1. go to /usr/share/applications

  2. look for this file org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop

  3. check what the value for the Icon it should be Icon=org.gnome.Nautilus

  4. if step 3 is fine then make sure the icon did not replaced the icon file should be on /usr/share/app-info/icons/rhel-9/64x64 and on /usr/share/app-info/icons/rhel-9/128x128 under name org.gnome.Nautilus.png for those 2 folders
    and on /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps under name org.gnome.Nautilus.svg
    so make sure those icon has the default icon (the normal one)

i guess the chosen icon will be based on the screen size resolution

the other thing that i can think of that you use theme

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Have you turned Notifications off?
It seems you are using Gnome Desktop.
Gnome > Settings > Notifications
You can turn on or off notifications per app, including for Gnome Files which I believe the app shown in your screen cap.
Hope this helps.

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