Format flash drive or write image (mintstick?)

Does anyone know of a program similar to mintstick GitHub - linuxmint/mintstick that works on Rocky and doesn’t require root access to work?

I realize that I can format a flash drive and write an image to it using gnome-disks but I’m always afraid I’m going to fat finger something and blow up a disk that I didn’t want to mess with.

mintstick looks like it does exactly what I want here but it doesn’t exist for anything other than Linux Mint. As far as the almighty google seems to know, anyway.

Writing to a raw device like /dev/sdg will always require elevated privileges; typically root. Now what this mintstick application does is provide a simple GUI so you can run it privileged. It’s just a python program should I don’t see any obvious reasons why you can’t install it from source and not require a package… although you may need to do some dependecy chasing!

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