Attempting to install Rocky 9.5 onto a USB. I formatted the target USB stick in Win 10 and still receiving message I only have 1.84 mb available on a 32 GB disc.
Formatted stick is still showing ‘EFI System Partition’ and ‘not resizeable’ under reclaimable space.
I’ve hit ‘delete all’ and ‘reclaim space’ multiple times in the Rocky installer, that kicks me back to main menu but has no effect on my available disc space.
Help please. Giving up on Win 10 allowing me a usable Resolve install, and I need video to book me some guitar pickin gigs and you know, eat.
You shouldn’t actually need to format a flash drive to copy an image onto it. Just use a program that can write an image to a flash drive and write it. Any existing formatting will be overwritten at that point, along with all other content.
I had no problem writing a DVD ISO copy to a flash drive, using Rufus. That copy is putting me into an installation program - it’s not just booting the OS. So I’m trying to ‘install’ onto another, empty, drive, and that’s where the above problem is happening.
I thought it would boot to OS straight from the ISO USB, but apparently not?
Check your BIOS configuration to ensure it will boot from the USB drive before attempting the internal disks. Chances are it’s finding a valid operating system installed on one of the disks, and thus not checking the USB drive which shows later in the boot order. Usually the BIOS by default prioritises the disks first, then USB. So you’d most likely have to change the ordering.
No, I figured out boot order. It’s booting me to a Grub screen, which gives me options to install, or troubleshoot and install.
Once in the installer, This is the message I’m getting when at the Installation Destination screen.
ie it will let me select EFI partition, tells me its not resizeable, lets me click delete, does nothing.
This is on a USB drive that I just reformatted, again.
I’m going to try rewriting the ISO straight to USB again, it SHOULD let me boot straight into the OS from the ISO on the USB, no?
Been a while but I have run off Linux installs on sticks.
I don’t know what ISO you downloaded, if you want to boot into an OS to install Rocky, you need to choose one of the Live ISO’s. Minimal or DVD ISO boot into an installer immediately.
ISO’s here: Download - Rocky Linux scroll down for Desktop/Workstation/Live ISO’s.
Ok thanks, I did not realize that via the instructions I was following. Would be as happy to just install it one stick to another, but doesn’t want to play.
You don’t use windows to format a disk for rocky or any linux distro. The best you can do is delete all partitions on the target usb stick within windows.
What I do which is not the default rocky install is this:
Once booted into the rocky installer I go to the destination tab and find the other usb stick. I then select it, then select custom install using blivut, and then click done. It takes you back to the prior page and the target disk should be listed there. You should then be able to select it and partition it.
I then create the /boot/efi partition of 1 to 2G in the unused space and make sure that format to “vfat” is selected.
Next I create the root partition “/” of 20G and select format to “ext4”.
The remainder of the disk you can allocate to the “/home” partition formatted as “ext4”.
Then click done. Now you can go back and configure the rest of the install.
If you are unsure at any step you can cancel any time before clicking final install rocky button.
The live iso’s are nice for getting familiar with the default desktop but you realy can’t save anything between sessioins.
I forgot one step in the above formatting sequence. Once you have selected the target disk, custom install using blivut and clicked done. When you select the disk again to do your custom partitioning the first thing you need to do is delete the existing partitions to create the space for the new partitions. You’ll get the warnings about loosing data etc…
It’s OK to do dry runs before committing, the installer is the most trying part of using linux.
Thanks for the rundown. Booted up today and the install location & destination were totally greyed out. Think I’m going to start over.
Is there a lighter than full copy that would be effective with Resolve and my situation.
Vannin around on random internet, and the full DVD ISO took like 3 hours just to DL the 10GB.
Thanks for your time, folks
I do my installs using the Live Image. In my case, I use Mate but there are other choices if you prefer.
One of the advantages of installing from a Live Image is that you can test your hardware and insure that everything is working as it should before you do the actual install.
That is a good point, although the “Live run” cannot really show whether third-party drivers (like NVidia’s proprietary) will “behave”.
In principle the Installer is already “GUI application on Rocky OS”, so probes hardware.
I do tend to do the “Minimal Install”, whether I use “full DVD” ISO, netboot ISO, or PXE Boot.
I do install most of the necessary packages afterwards (with configuration management system “Ansible”). One can install any and all Rocky packages (and then some) at any time.
Granted, getting most packages from the image is convenient, particularly if network is slow, but one should want to install available updates (from online repos) that the image does not have.