Chinese input method panel not shown

if I use the default gnome desktop environment, the build-in chinese input method is all good though not as good as sougou under ubuntu.
then I install Budgie Desktop by fowllowing
all things works expect that the chinese input method panel is not shown in anywhere. but the letter is showing up. so I can not choose different combinations.(mornally the panel will provide several combinations for me to select)

appreciated if any one could help.

PS: in the later release , could the rockylinux set sougou pingying as the default chinese input method since it’s much better than any other chinese input method.

best regards

I’ve had trouble with ibus when not using Gnome for years, which is why I use fcitx when available though I don’t think there’s a package for Rocky 9. My experience is with Japanese, not Chinese.
For what it’s worth, this is how I get it working with Japanese ins Rocky 9. I have this in $HOME/.xinitrc

export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
ibus-daemon --xim &
exec openbox-session

That’s when using openbox, obviously, you would replace the exec oepnbox with exec budgie or whatever the Budgie command is.
The --xim & line seems necessary if using Japanese in terminal.