Sadly brown is not going go work on dark backgrounds. Its a color rarely used for that reason.
Yeah, I’m aware the rock colors are not ideal. But just thought the meaning behind logo would be cool. Little like what GNU stands for.
Colors can maybe be changed couple of shades by some skilled designer so it looks good on dark background.
If not, all good. Just a suggestion.
I would add that the logo should retain a readable appearance at 100x32 pixel.
this is the size that I can use in the side bar of Anaconda (the installer)
YES, I LOVE THIS! As a fan of both the movie and hidden symbolism like this, I’m in full support of using Tiger’s Eye for the mascot!
I would like to propose an Idea on concept of Rocky linux, that branding could be build around.
- Imagine Man sitting on some kind of cliff and looking streight forward. ( symbol of looking into future, long term support ).
- This man is not afraid of future, as he knows, that future is in his hands ( no one can obtain that he have, new community distro ) .
- He is on cliff, but he is not here to show himself, but to better see around ( community support and contribution) .
- Why is this Man on cliff, because he made big jorney already ( experience in industry )
List could be continued …
Logo could be done as simple as DreamWork Picture’s “Child on the moon”, just shadows…
Image was provided just to get an idea better…
Now that I realize, to design something with a rock is not precisely simple because rocks and stones have different irregular shapes that don’t look good in logos or brands because people prefer asymmetric shapes.
This is one idea I came up with, using zen stones which represent balance. They are still stones or rocks as “rock solid” and one on top of the other would represent stability from the core to the top.
This is just playing around for one hour. If someone has a better idea, I’m welcome to suggestions. Note that this not pixel perfect, it’s readable at smaller size on my tests but it would need some adjustments and tuning and fonts probably replaced with some open source alternative.
I like this. I like the simplicity, I like the image of building on top of others - upstream community => RHEL => REL
That also came to my mind. Fedora > RHEL > Rocky build on top.
Bottom up instead of top down, nice idea
One idea that’s been at the back of my mind since yesterday is looking into the person behind the Rocky name, Rocky McGaugh. The Rocky Linux name is a H/T to him, so what if those that knew him suggested some things that reminded them of Rocky and see if one of those might make for an elegant logo.
This way the logo provides additional symbolism to go with the Rocky name, as opposed to the literal “rock” or “mountain” interpretation for the Rocky name.
I didn’t know Rocky so I’m not in a position to offer suggestions. It was just an idea, and seemed like a nice thought.
I’ve been iterating on some ideas on the Slack channel and I wanted to share where it’s currently at…
Perhaps some color combos without the tan/brown color?
Candidate a few people have agreed looks alright, designed by me, based on @joshurbain’s ideas
Previews on light and dark themes
I actually thought about the mountain peak idea as well and then I realized it looks very similar to Alpine Linux
Not similar enough that you would see this idea and think of Alpine imo, plus the Alpine logo is blue and more detailed.
hbjy’s is a very nice elegant, and simple, design. And to me is not anywhere close to alpine.
I think it’s a little too vertical for an enterprise logo. maybe a tri-stack with 2 on the bottom?
I was thinking a tri-color would also work, with R (redhat) and B (fedora) on bottom and (current or proposed) green (for rocky) on top. Maybe less “professional” than a single or two-tone colors… but a muted rgb should be relatively recognizable and easy to see on all backgrounds.
I did test some more horizontal approaches but not sure why almost all distro logos are vertical. I guess they fit better almost everywhere.
I love the overall direction these concepts are taking, but I see a lot of red and green here. Green is personally my favorite color, but I just wanted to spare a note for anyone who suffers from a color blindness. Would it make sense to center around a strictly contrasting pair of primary colors that are less commonly … problematic?.. for color blind individuals?