Branding - Roadmap

There is no issue with using similar colors as long as they are in the same color wheel or go in the opposite way. Vertical, horizontal, shades or not, or coloring text, etc. I guess all depends on what most people like or dislike and the general community has to eventually agree on something, maybe vote for colors, shapes, etc and then start building from that some design. The combinations are endless, an example of a stamp type attached which seems so popular with other distros.

I will try to come up with other ideas, using just a stone or even the mountain idea that was also proposed. Purple might also look great like someone suggested before. At least its original and not widely used. The problem with the rock only concept is that I tried this and seriously nobody will identify or see it as a rock once you make the logo small. It looks like everything else except a rock. At least if you want to keep it flat and simple, a rock does not look great in my opinion unless someone can suggest a better shape. I could not find any particular good example.

Sure, just pick a color and I will try to make some combinations.

I appreciate you! I’m still early on my understanding-accessibility journey and I’m by no means an expert, but I’ve seen several references to a palette by researchers Masataka Okabe and Kei Ito. There’s a friendly version by Mike Mol on Github.

It seems green is used by:

Red Hat
Debian (more as pink but goes that direction)



The only ones that use more or less unique colors are Red Hat and Ubuntu. I would actually go with black+red, simple, elegant, clean and corporate image but I suspect that will not pass well with Red Hat in the future. They would probably go after the project because the brand colors are similar enough to confuse users.

Here is the mountain version attached.


Really like this latest iteration with the mountain @netz, great work!


From @axel suggestion about pastel purple colors, i came up with this concept. However, depending on which title you choose, its resemblance might be to close to Red Hat’s branding.


well, that’s look cool. but it somehow reminds me of Arch Linux logo.
I think that it should have really unique identity, instead of reminding people of other distros.

Also, by including a “rock” in logo design, we are limiting our possibilities of creating a unique identity. I now that the word “rock” here represents of “stable”, “hard”, and “standing”. but why “Rocky Linux” should be “a piece of rock”? is “Fedora” logo a hat? or is openSUSE logo a combination of “o” and “S”? nope.

Probably we can use the word “Rocky”, not as a logo, but as a mascot. it’s just an idea. So we can have lots of possibilities for both designing a logo and selecting a mascot. “Rocky” the mascot can be a strong animal, like mountain creature, goat, polar bears, or even Yeti…


I seriously like the work done by @netz, but at this point, I think Greg Kurtzer has already signed-off on the one currently in use on this forum.

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Hi hbjy,

I like this new logo for its simplicity, it will go far and will be well known.


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what about brown and grey?..(a light shaded grey or white perhaps?..)…or perhaps some kind of purple and grey?..(trying to think of colors that will stand out on dark desktop backgrounds, terminals and also render as clear on light backgroynds/desktops/documents too.?..just a suggestion

And that is perfect to have something quickly in place now. Does it mean there is no room for further refinement or adjustment to the branding?

I think that this question can only answered by @hbjy and @leigh

Shall we see the branding as “accomplished”?

@hbjy I’m cloning the branding repo to customize Anaconda, but the files seem all corrupted/broken.
I’ve tried on two different computers.
can someone try a pull or clone and let me know if its me?

The files aren’t corrupted, they’re stored in Git LFS. You’ll need to git lfs pull (or git lfs fetch and git lfs checkout) if you want the raw files themselves.

We shall. I’m now also branding manager, so if you have any further branding questions, direct them to me on Slack or at :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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@hbjy yep that worked. sorry 'bout that and thanks.
I had opened an issue in Github…I’ll close it

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For those interested – holds all of the new branding resources :smiley:


I’d say branding is sorted, yes. There’s value in leaving this category open though, so I probably wouldn’t close it.

You guys did great! Thanks so much. Love the look of it. Really sharp.

Thank you! But as you said it seems they already picked one.