The podman-compose was removed from the base repositories?

Hello everyone. It’s my first post here.

Some weeks ago, I was able to install podman-compose normally on my Hostinger VPS running Rocky Linux 9. I used to install podman and podman-compose with the following command:

dnf install podman podman-compose

But now the podman-compose package is not found. I know that in the epel repository I could get the podman-compose, but it was available on the AppStream repository, but now seems to be missing.

Could someone help me with that? It’s just me or it is out of the AppStream repository for real?

The Podman package only is still there.

Thanks in advance for any advice or clue on why it’s not found anymore.

podman-compose has never been in AppStream for Rocky Linux 9. It is available in EPEL, as you were alluding to.

[root@xmpp01 ~]# dnf info podman-compose
Last metadata expiration check: 0:34:16 ago on Wed 18 Sep 2024 09:51:13 PM MST.
Available Packages
Name         : podman-compose
Version      : 1.0.6
Release      : 3.el9
Architecture : noarch
Size         : 85 k
Source       : podman-compose-1.0.6-3.el9.src.rpm
Repository   : epel
Summary      : Run docker-compose.yml using podman
URL          :
License      : GPL-2.0-only
Description  : An implementation of docker-compose with podman backend.
             : The main objective of this project is to be able to run docker-compose.yml
             : unmodified and rootless.
[label@sani peridot-rocky]$ grep podman-compose * -R
[label@sani peridot-rocky]$ cd ../pungi-rocky/
[label@sani pungi-rocky]$ git checkout r9
Switched to branch 'r9'
[label@sani pungi-rocky]$ grep podman-compose * -R
[label@sani pungi-rocky]$
[label@sani pungi-rocky]$ cd ../comps
[label@sani comps]$ grep podman-compose * -R
[label@sani comps]$

Enable the epel repository and you can install podman-compose.

EPEL does not override base packages. In the event podman-compose comes to RHEL 9, EPEL will remove it and it will likely be in AppStream.

Thank you very much for the FAST response @nazunalika. WaW! That was fast.

I have never enabled EPEL repository in the past on Hostinger. They had a configuration on the default image that they used to spin up the VPS maybe? The script did that behind the scenes? It’s the only explanation that I have because I never enabled the EPEL in the past.

But really thanks for the explanation. And the info about the EPEL repo not overriding the package versions was clarifying, it was one of my concerns.

Again, thank you very much. :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re very welcome!

If I had to guess, perhaps Hostinger’s images had EPEL enabled by default. I’ve seen some smaller providers do this. I have a few clients that do this too with RHEL, so it would make sense if providers do that too. (EPEL tends to be considered as a “must have” to a lot of folks out there).

Of course! EPEL has always been pretty good about this, so you’re in good hands if you use EPEL.

If you’re curious, here’s a wiki page that shows a list of third-party repositories.

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