Rocky linux 9 , End of life

End of life of Rocky 9 is not clear in the Rocky Linux portal , showing it as ended. Since Rocky 9.3 has released , what about 9.1 , Is the support /end of life is over ?
Really appreciate, if somebody can help me on this.

Rocky Linux 9 EOL is 2032, just like RHEL9. Point releases are no longer supported when a new one appears. That means 9.1 is no longer supported, when 9.2 was released. Now 9.3 is released neither 9.0, 9.1 or 9.2 are supported.

Thank you iwalker for your swift response. Any idea how 10 years of support will work, we were planning to use Rocky 9.1.

Look at Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle - Red Hat Customer Portal

Traditionally, Red Hat has made sources of RHEL public, but only for the “Full Support” and “Maintenance Support”. That is the “10 years”. The EUS, Enhanced EUS, and ELS have always been limited to paying customers of Red Hat.

You can see from the above document that Red Hat has made nothing for RHEL 9.1 since they released RHEL 9.2. Nobody makes patches “for 9.1” – not Red Hat nor Rocky.

There is olnly one Rocky 9, and its content is currently based on RHEL 9.3. It does receive “for 9.3” patches until 9.4 is released. Then Rocky 9 will be based on 9.4 content and receive patches built “for 9.4”.

The overall ideology of RHEL is that you can install at any time and then use to the end of Maintenance Support phase, but you must and can apply available updates. The point updates merely add features and fix bugs – they don’t make drastic changes. (One might have to rebuild packages though, particularly when they depend on Qt.)

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Thank you jlehtone , This will really help.

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