Rocky 9.5 (vmware guest) -- won't remember display's resolution

Hello, all.

My first rocky install:

  • Rocky-9.5-x86_64-dvd.iso
  • Workstation with GUI.
  • Clean default install as a guest inside vmware workstation 17.6.3.

Everything is allright, but every time after reboot OS won’t remember changes i’ve made to display’s resolution and boots up at 1280x800.

What am i doing wrong?
Is there a simple way to fix this problem?

What have i tried to do already:

  • login as root.
  • login to X11 (instead of a default wayland).
  • sudo dnf update.
  • sudo dnf remove open-vm-tools.
  • googling a problem and trying fixes from an old post with similar problem
    (Display resolution won't 'stick')

nothing helped so far.

The Display Manager (gdm) is graphical. Hence it runs with some Window Manager, even though the user can choose WM (X11 or Wayland). Logically, it uses Wayland?

There is config file /etc/gdm/custom.conf that has “comment”:


If one uncomments that:


and reboots, then both gdm and all user sessions would be forced to use X11.

Would that make a difference? I don’t know.

Does the vmware offer multiple “video device” options? Would some of them behave better than the one you use now?

But some details are missing.

When it says “boots up”, that implies the text based console before you get to Gnome Display Manager (gdm), and then you log in (using gui), and at that point you get the real desktop.

But what does “display” mean anyway, when it’s a guest VM; some client is able to connect to the guest and interpret a screen widget and display it on that client?