Rhel: chapter 2. installing an idm server: with integrated dns, with an integrated ca as the root ca


  1. After the installation script completes, update your DNS records in the following way:
    a. Add DNS delegation from the parent domain to the IdM DNS domain. For example, if the
    IdM DNS domain is idm.example.com, add a name server (NS) record to the example.com
    parent domain.

(Q) this is a little over my learning curve as of now, do I add another (NS) record in the DNS Zone similar to the one added by the installation:

but just the parent domain name as kbbn-7.com?

If your IPA domain is β€œkbbn-7.com”, there’s nothing more for you to do. If you had done β€œidm.kbbn-7.com” using their example, then you would need to make changes to ensure delegation works to the domain.

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