Problem encountered in install nvidia driver on Rocky linux 9'e

Dear all:
I encountered a problem when I insteall nvidia driver on Rocky Linux 9.3. First, the installation is complete and success. After reboot, I can login into the desktop. So I try to install nvidia driver following the instrument on the web. First I blacklisted nouveau by editing a conf file in etc/modprobe.d/ and then I input “dracut --force” and reboot. However, after rebooting, I can not see the prompt interface and the system showed error missage as showed in attachment image. So who can help me to solve this problem? Thanks

Good morning. Can you tell us which driver module you attempted to install or share the tutorial you’ve been following? In order to try and replicate your issue on a test machine.

Thank you!

OK,I followed the tutorial as follow

  1. make a new file in etc/modprobe.d with the name blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf and input following command:
    “blacklist nouveau
    options nouveau modeset=0”

  2. input command in the terminal

dracut --force

  1. reboot

Then……I got the screen as in my post

I’m sorry, I meant which tutorial have you read or seen? Would you mind to share it? Because I am not sure where you have followed instructions from.

This is the tutorial I followed

Thanks. I have solved this problem. I just add “nomodeset” in the grub. Then I can access the terminal and install the Nvidia driver

It’s highly recommended to not use the .run installer and use a driver from rpmfusion. This is due to how the driver may overwrite system files and is not sustainable over the lifetime of system updates.\bCategoryHowto\b)

Thanks, I will follow your advise when I setup new Rocky linux matchine. :slight_smile:

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