MPV player dependency missing

Hello all,

it is again me with missing package. Just like the missing frotz topic I created few days back, I am unable to install the MPV player because I have no installation candidate for dependency package

my repo list is:

Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream
Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_6
Rocky Linux 9 - Extras
Rocky Linux 9 - Plus
RPM Fusion for EL 9 - Free - Updates

I am not sure if this situation happened because of my mistake, or if it is “normal” to have package available without dependency. I am new to RHEL clones as I used to run the Fedora for long time and Debian before that and never encountered this situation. Any response is very welcomed.

Thank you.

You are missing the crb repository.

% crb enable
% dnf whatprovides ''
uchardet-0.0.6-15.el9.2.x86_64 : An encoding detector library ported from Mozilla
Repo        : crb <-- this is the repo you need.
Matched from:
Provide    :
% dnf install uchardet

applied repo - worked! Thank you.


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