Mcicrolite recoveredge on Dell T550 w/ rocky 9.3

The backups work fine, but the recover USB media will not boot. Is the media good? I put it into a another computer, home built, and it boots fine. I heard they might be a setting on the T550 that ignores what might be an unsafe boot, but Dell support was unaware of anything like that.

Any ideas would be welcomed.

Might need going into the BIOS and disabling secure boot. First place to start I think.

I am preparing to install Microlite Backupedge and RecoverEdge on a Supermicro based h11 board running on rocky 9.3. I had trouble getting the tape drive installed to begin with because the LTO-6 sas2 drive wasn’t recognized by the sas2 interface card. No driver ability for the mpt2sas lsi based card. I switched out to a 9300 sas3 card, for my sas2 tape drive and know have the hardware working. As soon as I get this software installed I will let you know the results of my experience. I have used this backup software for 25 years and have always had excellent results. Microlite does advertise that the RecoverEdge is supposed to be compatible with Rocky 9. However I have only used DVD’s to make the boot media.

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