KDE Plasma Workspaces for RLRC

In case anyone lands here / is still having issues with installing KDE, I just installed it again and made some notes:

Installed on a fresh kvm/qemu RL 8.5 VM ( 4 threads, 4G RAM , virtIO qcow2 live file with a backing file ).
Host is RL 8.4 on a Dell Precision 32G Ram, 12 threads.

  1. Installed RL 8.5 from dvd iso img
  2. Rebooted VM
  3. Launch terminal and su to root
  4. dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools ( important to do this BEFORE KDE install later. )
  5. dnf -y install epel-release
  6. dnf -y update
  7. dnf groupinstall -y “KDE Plasma Workspaces”
  8. systemctl enable sddm.service -f
  9. reboot
  10. At the login, select “Plasma (X11)” for desktop session at the bottom of the screen, enter password, hit return and WAIT.

  1. It did appear to hang a bit ( a min or 2 most ) here but came through in the end…

And all seems reasonably responsive/OK.