Issues with NetworkManager-openconnect during installation of plasma-nm-openconnect.aarch64

In the process of installing a number of dependencies on a Rocky Linux 8.8 system, I’m seeing the following error:

$ sudo dnf install plasma-nm-openconnect.aarch64
Last metadata expiration check: 0:15:56 ago on Sat 23 Sep 2023 12:42:42 PM UTC.
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides NetworkManager-openconnect needed by plasma-nm-openconnect-5.24.7-1.el8.aarch64
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

I tried installing GitHub - NetworkManager/NetworkManager-openconnect: network-manager-openconnect from source but it didn’t fix the problem and the error persists.

Hi @coderody,

I tested if I could install the same package as you, as I am using Rocky 8.8 although not on a Aarch64 system.

Trying the following command:

$ sudo dnf install plasma-nm-openconnect

…gets a positive response that shows that “plasma-nm-openconnect” and “NetworkManager-openconnect” are both provided by the Epel repo.

Maybe that’s a trivial question, but is the Epel repo added to the repo list of your system?

Hi @Alex-Pk,
Yes, I had previously installed the Epel repo ($ sudo dnf install epel-release -y) with no problem (the repo was there). Hmm, from your comment, it sounds like there is some incompatibility with aarch64, which is not a good thing because they’re usually difficult to tackle. Not sure what to try next.

Hi @coderody,

Actually, digging a bit more on the Fedora site, the NetworkManager-openconnect package is not listed amongst the EPEL 8 packages for aarch64:
=> Index of /pub/epel/8/Everything/aarch64/Packages/n

However, the detailed information on this package states that :

Date Author Change
2019-12-13 Lubomir Rintel - 1.2.6-2.1 - Exclude aarch64 and s390x builds

If this only means that builds are not put online, this may imply that if you build it on your own machine, it could work. As that is not something I frequently do myself, I can’t advise on it. However, this thread on Rocky forum might be of interest to you :
=> Missing packages, 3'rd party repos - best practices

In this thread, @iwalker also mentions:

Requests can also be made to EPEL repository for them to add packages. Building yourself is fine, just means you have to rebuild for example when a new version comes out or bug fixes etc.

It looks like you may have a couple of options here :slight_smile:

NOTE: At the end, I upgraded to Rocky Linux v9.2, where this doesn’t seem to be an issue.

Hi @coderody,

Glad you could find a solution working for you!

As a side note, interestingly, EPEL 9 packages include NetworkManager-openconnect (not present in EPEL 8) but NetworkManager-strongswan is not there. But that’s another topic.

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