Is Rocky 9 still supporting vpnc?

I’m having difficulties on installing vpnc. I’ve updated elrepo.repo on my rocky 9.
Based on some online information, I need the following packages:

NetworkManager-openvpn NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome NetworkManager-vpnc, NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome, openvpn vpnc

I can’t find these packages on my system. Please help…

The openvpn ones do exist:

[root@rocky9 ~]# dnf search networkmanager-openvpn
Last metadata expiration check: 3:34:16 ago on Thu 15 Dec 2022 03:28:29 PM CET.
===================== Name Matched: networkmanager-openvpn =====================
NetworkManager-openvpn.x86_64 : NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN
NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome.x86_64 : NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN -
                                    : GNOME files

but maybe you don’t have epel repository enabled:

dnf install epel-release

vpnc ones don’t exist in epel it seems.

It’s also worth checking if you can achieve the same thing using the official Rocky packages.

What’s “the official Rocky packages”?

I don’t want to run Fedora on my desktop. But for testing, I installed Fedora 37 on a different hard drive. I did exactly the same on the Fedora. I was able to install vpnc.

I’ve done this before posting this issue:
[kyiu@mydesktop ~]$ dnf search networkmanager-openvpn
Last metadata expiration check: 1 day, 0:24:48 ago on Wed 14 Dec 2022 04:37:25 PM.
No matches found.

Why your dnf search work and mine don’t?

Sound like I’m lying on my posit. I ran “sudo dnf install epel-release” again. And the system said it’s available and installed epel-release again. What’s going on? It seems the the command needs to be run each time I powered up the machine.

I was able to installed the packages, except vpnc.x86-64. Do I need the package?

It seems the EPEL hasn’t released a version of vpnc since version 7: Overview - rpms/vpnc -

You can try filing a bug report with RH Bugzilla. I did this (along with several other people) to ask for a build of rsnapshot for the EPEL, which has now been released:

Thank you!
I’ll try filing the bug report. I don’t know why it works on Fedora 37.

In your first post you mentioned you installed elrepo, which is something else entirely. Maybe you installed this instead of epel? You can do:

[root@rocky9 ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i release

which you can see on mine shows I have both epel and elrepo installed. You can reboot and run this to make sure they are still both installed. I’ve never had a repo remove itself before, which would be somewhat strange situation.

indeed, I’ve checked dnf repolist, I have both elrepo and epel.
repo id repo name
appstream Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream
baseos Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS
elrepo Community Enterprise Linux Repository - el9
epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
extras Rocky Linux 9 - Extras

I’ve decide to put my old hard drive back and continue to run Rocky 8.5 for while until the vpnc package issue is resolved.

Thanks for your help

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