Installer unable to access /etc/init.d

I’m trying to install Deadline. It’s giving me this error…

:Destination not writable

The strange thing is /etc/init.d isn’t visible unless I do a search in files

It’s behaving differently to other directories. It’s hidden maybe? Any tips of advice on how to resolve the issue with the installer?

Probably because Rocky is a systemd based distribution and doesn’t use sysv-init scripts anymore. This is why distros like Debian/Ubuntu probably differentiate since /etc/init.d exists.

You could do dnf install initscripts and then see if it bypasses this, but perhaps maybe you should explain more about how you are trying to install it? From an rpm? From source? How exactly?

Maybe someone has already packaged it in an RPM format somewhere, or perhaps the people who release Deadline make packages.

The initscripts package are the legacy scripts which create directories like /etc/init.d, /etc/rc.d/init.d etc.

Thanks for your response.
It’s a .run file so I’m going into that directory and running it with ./
The installer works fine up to the point where it has trouble writing to that location.
I’ll try the install initscripts and see if that works.

That helped somewhat. It certainly got me further in the process. It seems to install but then I get another error…

Unable to execute validation program

Is it possible that I’m trying to install a version of Mongo that’s too old for Rocky9? Or is that silly?
I’m trying to install mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.14.tgz


Its look like MongoDB 6 is oldest version that supports rhel9 though:

Regards Tom.

I really think you should be asking for assistance on the forums for Deadline, since the problem is their application, not Rocky Linux. You need to ask them what the dependencies are for their application to run.

The links by @tjdoyle do show that MongoDB does have a yum repo for RHEL 9.
That is, it has repo of RPM-packages that should work in Rocky 9.

The package manager (dnf, aka yum) can pull dependencies – install packages that an RPM package requires – automatically.

A well-made RPM package would include or require the “validation program” (assuming that the error is due to lack of program), and thus should not encounter that error.

A .run file does not know nor care what other files are in the system. It could overwrite files that were from packages, and the package manager would not notice that. Therefore, on update/removal of overwritten package (by package manager), the files from .run file can get erased/replaced silently. That is why one should use the packages, if at all possible, and if one has to use .run or “source install”, then do them as regular user that cannot overwrite system files. (Install of a service is likely to attempt to write to “system directories”, so those can get tricky.)

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