Install fusioninventory agent on rocky 9 Linux


I have a small problem I can’t install the fusion agent on rocky 9 :frowning: , first of all I can’t add the powertools repo for example "dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
Error: No matching repo to modify: powertools.

I even tried to do a classic install “dnf install fusioninventory-agent fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory
Last metadata expiration check: 0:23:04 ago on Wed 30 Nov 2022 09:59:51 AM CET.
No match for argument: fusioninventory-agent
No match for argument: fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory
Error: Unable to find a match: fusioninventory-agent fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory”

If someone could suggest some help that would be nice. thanks :slight_smile:

Powertools is called crb in Rocky 9

Yes, I was even able to enable it “dnf config-manager --enable crb”.
but when I try to install fusion it fails “dnf install fusioninventory-agent fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory
Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS 9.6 kB/s | 3.6 kB 00:00
Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS 1.7 MB/s | 1.7 MB 00:01
Rocky Linux 9 - CRB 13 kB/s | 3.6 kB 00:00
Rocky Linux 9 - CRB 1.9 MB/s | 2.0 MB 00:01
Rocky Linux 9 - CRB - Debug 9.8 kB/s | 2.9 kB 00:00
Rocky Linux 9 - CRB - Debug 457 kB/s | 613 kB 00:01
Rocky Linux 9 - CRB - Source 9.3 kB/s | 2.9 kB 00:00
No match for argument: fusioninventory-agent
No match for argument: fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory
Error: Could not find a match: fusioninventory-agent fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory”.

fusioninventory-agent was part of EPEL in EL8, but as far as I can see this got deprecated somehow:

I also activated EPEL in rocky 9 and the result is the same :frowning:
dnf install fusioninventory-agent fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64 47 kB/s | 23 kB 00:00
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64 - Debug 2.2 MB/s | 4.3 MB 00:01
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64 - Source 1.6 MB/s | 2.5 MB 00:01
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - Testing - x86_64 50 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - Testing - x86_64 1.5 MB/s | 1.2 MB 00:00
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - Testing - x86_64 - Debug 355 kB/s | 278 kB 00:00
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - Testing - x86_64 - Source 100 kB/s | 88 kB 00:00
No match for argument: fusioninventory-agent
No match for argument: fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory
Error: Unable to find a match: fusioninventory-agent fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory

Yes, as I said, the agent somehow got deprecated.

should we wait for a new version of the agent to come out?

If it’s deprecated, that means there is unlikely to be one for EPEL9. You could always put in a request with EPEL to see if you can get someone to provide it in their repo.

The other option is get the src-rpm from Fedora from the link @lumarel provided and build it yourself with mock.

Hi @mousstech

You can request the package in EPEL9. Do a request in Red Hat bugzilla, as described in EPEL documentation.

Usually it can take months until a package becomes available in EPEL9. There is already an old request. A new comment requesting the package or a new bug might show there is interest for the package in EPEL9.

As already mentioned, you can compile the package in Rocky 9 using this source rpm and mock.