Greetings, Amazing Rocky

Hi all.

I am new here.
I want just to say a few words about how I feel.
Before I installed this Rocky Linux, I thought why not try RHEL. I installed it and well, with all my due respect, it could survive only a few hours.

Installing Rocky Linux, I find it great. Everything works out of the box, commands run smoothly, just a simple attempt to install “inxi” when I was on RHEL was a pain and in vain!

Amazingly, trying the same here I found bash telling me it is not installed and asked me if I want to install it, I just had to answer “y”, and that’s so smart. As well I like when updating or installing I have to type “y”, this is another smart way, to be sure users don’t just press enter which may be dangerous.

I really like it here.
Looks interesting really.

Great job.
I am sure I will enjoy.

Hi there :slight_smile:

I’m new in here too… with soon to be 2 combined active hours on Rocky with zero experience of Rhel based distros before, as i have been a Debian based user or you can say abuser :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: since 2018

So I’m not qualified to have an opinion yet, as 2 hours is = nothing :laughing: :nerd_face:

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Welcome @Marie
I have been in Linux since 2000/2001 that is almost quarter a century.

I have been distro hopping for like the past six months. And was on Debian as you.

My reading and research RHEL is the most stable Linux distro.

I assume -just thinking logically- that Rocky Linux being downstream from RHEL should be even more stable.

My experience with just like 3 hours with RHEL, and same with Rocky, Rocky Linux is much smarter and more user friendly.

I am sure we will enjoy.

Enjoy :wink: