Getting stuck in booting due to incompatible NVIDIA drivers

I have Rocky Linux 8.8, and ever since I updated the NVIDIA graphic drivers, the system would not proceed to login on any of the kernel versions I have. Even the rescue one does not respond. (The system default is GUI, and I can’t switch to CLI at this point.) I am assuming that I need to disable/remove the graphic drivers before the system boots. I have seen some similar topics, but I can’t find any instructions on how to do this step. Do we have any grub commands to disable the graphic drivers or any other way to work around this issue?
Thank you so much.

One can modify what GRUB passes to kernel on the fly. Add to options and then system loads to CLI on that boot.

Even though you do get “blank” on boot to GUI, you should still be able to Ctrl-Alt-Fn (where n is 2-6) in order to switch into CLI. There log in, and systemctl set-default After that system defaults to CLI on every boot. Switch back to once you get the drivers right.