Rocky linux 8 : installing nvidia drivers on x11 causes system not to boot in GUI mode anymore

Hi everyone,
I have a very basic knowledge of linux. I was trying to switch from wayland (working with nouveau drivers for my nvidia 1650 desktop) to x11 graphics environment. I need x11 to run teamviewer for remote control, easy access mode.

The brute switch by editing “/etc/gdm/custom.conf” and installing nvidia drivers (following forums online) results in x11 running in low resolution and the nvidia drivers not functioning properly.

Today I tried fixing the issue by reinstalling all nvidia drivers for the proper linux distribution (rocky linux 8 green obsidian I believe), and now the system does not load the GUI anymore. I can only boot it in rescue mode (command line).

Would you be able to help me find the issue and fix it? I am quite worried I will have to format and reinstall everything…

Thank you very much!!
With Kind regards