Fresh Install of Rocky and first task ordered is Install of Davinci Resolve Studio 19.1.3 and CAN'T ; Please help

while I await checking every few minutes here - I tried to download the NVIDIA drivers and still have a problem opening it. Yes, I navigated to properties and selected the run as a program option on the icon.

I again get that annoying window that I am supposed to somehow know which application to open an item with

Read the list of missing packages that you posted above.

Do you see the word nvidia there? I don’t.

Try installing the missing packages on that list, then run that .run command again.

Again, the command you need to run is called dnf. There are many articles and even videos showing how to use the dnf command to install a program. You need to use dnf to install each of the programs that are listed as missing when you ran that .run program.

ok thanks I wanted to hear it from you since I have completely lost confidence here - I couldn’t run a DNF command before to do anything and other postings I saw implied the need to install NVIDIA despite it not showing on that list.


enter the root password
dnf install blah blah blah

If you can’t do basic stuff with Linux like this, I don’t hold out much hope for you to be honest. You can google (I assume you do know how to google and search), for a lot of things related to using dnf, finding out what packages you can use to zip/unzip things, etc, etc.

And you should concentrate on one topic at a time. We’re trying to help with DaVinci, and then you start going off doing things with Nvidia.

Maybe you should go back to Windows if you are not willing to learn and read and use google to search for such basic information you could have found and figured out by now. It’s not difficult if you actually use your brain.

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Thats a bit of a condescending response. Do you honestly really believe I hadn’t gone online trying to figure this out on my own before having to ask in this way knowing that someone would give me a response in this manner? I’m already humiliated by the above response before yours and it shouldn’t give you permission to move in for another bite just because someone else did. Thats what people usually do though. I have been extremely frustrated with this terrible OS that I have never used before. I’m not such a sophisticated and well practiced master who is so proud of himself that it’s fun to embarrass someone else already having a hard time in a public manner this way. I atleast recognize that an alternative OS is urgently needed and have tried over the years to learn about them despite the fact that it is known linux is not yet as conducive for creative purposes and those who have a vision of that help push us all forward in an effort to no longer behold to big tech. As I mentioned beforehand, I had read around while waiting for a reply and read that others had installed NVIDIA drivers. I figured in the time I waited for a reply, it could be another technicality tha I could simply rule out. Whats wrong with that? If it wasn’t the case, then I would depend on you all to educate me and NOT to take this terrible attitude with someone struggling. Most anyone in my position would have had this difficulty and it was important to address this in order to improve the general project. If no one says anything, then likely no improvements will be made. But you don’t need to shame me just because you think your permitted to based on someone’s clear annoyance with me. I also acknowledge that perhaps I may be taking your response the wrong way provided that messaging this way isn’t always clear and perhaps the delivery could be misinterpreted. Nevertheless I thank you all for coming to my rescue even at the expense of the public humiliating remarks. Thank you kindly.


You have deleted a lot of your posts. In some of them you did present beginner mistakes.
I fancied analyzing a mistake, to point out what went wrong, what steps to take to avoid those
mistakes, and so forth. It seems that the effort would be wasted.

You are correct that there is a communication issue, but it takes effort from all sides to solve.

Here is one example, and there have been many in this thread. This problem can occur on Windows or Mac as well, so it’s not Linux-specific. And this is something so simple that anyone can find out and resolve it.

For example, searching for how do i extract a zip file windows or how do i extract a zip file linux. You would be surprised about actually how many results there are and even ones with youtube videos that actually show you how to do it. I guess for those that prefer to watch than actually read information.

Perhaps you should make yourself a VM and start to learn the basics in Linux before attempting to do other stuff which requires more effort like installing and running DaVinci Resolve. But if you are not prepared to put in the effort to learn, it would be just a waste of yours and our time too.

We’re not here to embarrass you or humiliate you, but seriously, you should really know how to do the basics, irrespective of whether it is Windows or Linux. You must know if you need to do something with zip files on Windows, that you install 7zip, or WinZip or whatever, so the same logic applies here. The amount of frustration trying to help someone who seems somewhat ungrateful and complains that they cannot extract a zip file is unreal and blames Linux or us is just really weird.

You shouldn’t expect to be told every single piece of detail. You should also be trying, especially for the extremely simple things. If you don’t know how to use dnf then search on how to do that - again, plenty of search results for that too.

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So I deleted some of the posts where of may have showed some more information about my system than necessary to reduce some longterm exposure. The situation was past a point and just a few of those posts were superfluous and wouldn’t serve much of a purpose later for anyone in my shoes. As far as the possible communication issue, I believe that I properly addressed the responses directed at me in an amicable manner which if taken the wrong way wouldn’t have been a problem I caused, instead just a proper response. So there is no need to include my participation here as either escalatory nor adverse since as fore-mentioned, I was simply addressing a response that could reasonably be thought as a bit misappropriated.
But yes I would agree that information should be available to analyze in order to have a solution. Therefore, superfluous information isn’t necessary.
There is one more issue here which I should mention. Revisiting my response about having done online research before coming to this forum where it “APPEARS” to insinuate that I’m incompetent or such, can easily be a losing postulation if I even post just one you tube video by an expert which proves my position on Rocky Linux. Not to mention various other posts which demonstrate consistency on my recent experience with Rocky linux. But as mentioned, there isn’t a need for superfluous information here nor a judgement on someone’s level of knowledge. This is supposed to be the foremeost source to learn and I think most people would agree. So there isn’t really much virtue in using a tired old cliche of all sides inclusion in some kind of interpersonal disharmony.
BUT once again I very humbly thank everyone here who answered promptly and rushed to help me in this very frustrating experience with this new distribution that I was compelled into. I really hope that I am able to contribute my experience and knowledge back toward the bigger movement. I truly am grateful and I hope we can continue an attitude of elevation instead of any such attitde of discouragement.

Hello, I remembered your post and was discussing it with Black Magic Design just now. BMD was telling me to go back to a previous version of Rocky because my installation is NOT recognizing my GPU. What command did you run for DRS to recognize your GPU?
Thank you in advance!

Can I please get help with Davinci Resolve Studio NOT detecting my GPU?

if you search install nvidida on here you will see the steps… shouldnt take too long, took me about 15mins as a new user

Thank You so much! I was indeed able to find the solution after quite a few attempts. Many sources could not fix the problem and then one finally worked.