True. Never seen it. The “double click to install” does not exactly tell what there is. I would expect the “Files” to merely show content of ZIP package on double-click – I don’t use Files.
AS a thought… i use the desktop/workstation version… will that work differently when it comes to files?
Do dnf group list -v
You will see environment groups. The installer did have that list, didn’t it?
Look at one group. E.g. dnf group info -v workstation-product-environment
It should list groups.
Then look at group. E.g. dnf group info -v GNOME
Packages. Some installed, some not.
The different “environments” differ only by what packages are installed (by default). Most packages are common.
The behaviour of the “Files” (its real name is “nautilus”) depends on what packages are installed; it can be “extended”.
But no, overall the “Workstation” is no different.
So I tried installing a previous version or Rocky ( 8.6) as according to Black Magic Design Support to try and get a move on with this and guess what! About a third day wasted. This is NOT intuitive whatsoever and appears to be set up more difficultly so that it’s out of reach for all of us who had really hoped to not be subjected to big tech like Apple or worse yet, windows. But it seems like Linux is complicit in helping steer away more users to the abusive stranglehold of windows (Apple). This is terrible! I’m about ready to give up and stop promoting Linux altogether. It seems like Windows has about won after all these years because Linux can not gain that competitive edge.
I tried for three days now to install this previous version of Rocky and ABSOLUTELY CANNOT get past the second step here as shown in the attached photo. One cannot choose the option to select a source ( bootable usb) in order to move forward with an install. This is absolutely cruel and inconsiderate waste of people’s time and a serious obstacle to an alternative advancement aside from the two big tech oligarchs!
The simplest way to install Rocky Linux is to download one of the Desktop/Workstation live images from here:
Look near the bottom of the page where it says Desktop/Workstation Live Images.
I personally use Mate but you can pick whichever desktop you prefer from those listed.
Write that image to a flash drive, boot from that and you’ll have a desktop. There’s an icon on that desktop that will install the operating system on your computer.
Once again you did leave out details. That is “absolutely cruel and inconsiderate waste of people’s time”.
- Which version of “bootable USB”, i.e. the “ISO image” did you use?
- Your picture shows that additional packages (the “AppStream”) are already set to be loaded from that bootable USB. Was that by you? What does the installer say that it does not have?
Looks like the bootable ISO was used instead of the DVD one which would have been a larger size, but at least would have had all the packages on it. The bootable one requires you to provide URL’s to baseos and appstream which if you have no clue what you are doing is obviously not going to be easy.
Better would be get the DVD iso, or at least the minimal ISO which would at least allow you to install a basic server-type install of which you could then install the GUI. But then, there are Live images and workstation images as already mentioned which would far better suit your requirement and make it easier for you to install.
Ok, thanks for the reply- so frustrated. As I mentioned I had a previous install of 9.5, I think it was but then could not open the application for which this whole thing was the point. Then Black Magic says and provides the link to download the prepared version which would allow Davinci Resolve Studio to be installed along with it. They provide the specific link which I downloaded hereby giving me this whole problem. So I can only believe that if I make another bootable drive, intending to try to download Davinci Resolve Studio again- it would put me right back where this all began.
Here is the other picture that I couldn’t insert in my previous post
Oh and yes - that is the automatic default step where I seem to have no option to change or exit out of. Initially it allows me to choose the usb as a source from a choice of three different drives. I then move forward only to be messaged by the install that the previous choice failed and no way to address it and leaves me stuck and helpless there!!!
Did you ever unzip that file you downloaded initially and try it out before just giving up and reinstalling an entirely different version of the operating system from scratch?
Even if you don’t understand why you’re instructed to try something, try it! It’s really difficult to help someone who refuses to be helped.
Ok so just now I managed to install the DVD iso onto the hard drive having gotten past that terrible point which would not allow( its loading at the time of this reply). But this will be 9.2. I don’t understand why it’s called the DVD iso. No one uses dvd anymore. So I would not think this would be the choice of download.
So along with all this it turns out I also screwed up my windows installation!!!’nn
Account log in issue reported above;
I was able to get past that now after another installation round
OK, so now open the terminal app and do this (which was posted about earlier)
cd Downloads
and please post the results from doing those commands.
Thanks for the prompt reply I really appreciate it- I’m anxiously waiting for replies here. But here is my output I don’t understand this
[Oscar@localhost ~]$ cd Downloads
what now? I figured I would have to download again after the initial download which I placed on the desktop., I downloaded again and left it in the downloads folder
So now you have the .run file which is how you can now double click it and get it to install/run DaVinci Resolve.
The run file won’t show up in the Downloads list within Firefox.
Try this if you don’t know how to open a file manager window:
Open a terminal window (as you did before when you ran the unzip command)
cd Downloads
It’s VERY IMPORTANT that you include the ./ in front of the filename!
Certainly a step further but this whole thing shouldn’t be like this
It’s really not that difficult; it’s just a question of having a basic knowledge of Linux.
However, the error message clearly tells you that there are missing packages and you now need to install them before the program you want will install.
The command you need to use is dnf, the option you need to use with it is install. That and a wee bit of google searching will get you where you need to go.
Install the missing pakages, run that .run command again and everything should (hopefully) work.