Hello all,
I really didn’t want to have to install a new OS here but had such a difficult time with my previous RHEL install and gave in here hoping it would be an easy process, BUT NO ! Of course not.
I downloaded Davinci Resolve STUDIO and then right clicked on the file and the option shown was to pick from a list of applications to open with. I have NO IDEA which to pick and no info online. I tried to copy a command line for terminal and the next problem I got was that my user ( which is the only one I created) is “NOT A SUDDOER” or in the list of -says my computer. Then I didn’t know how to correct this new issue. I’m really upset here and frustrated because I have this dream of not being dependent on either Windows or Mac, but certainly not WIndows ( which I would like to throw a rock at). Can I please get some help ASAP?
I’ve never seen DRS, so have no idea what is downloaded. Without knowing even the filename, making so much as educated guesses is impossible. The more information one can provide, the better others can help.
How did you create it? In the installer, or after installation?
What does command id
tell about your account?
Thanks for the prompt reply - it was created through the installer. The output when I type command ID (didn’t know this command) puts out: vid= 1000(myname) gid=1000 (myname) groups=(myname) context=unconfined_u :unconfigured_r :unconfined_t :s0-s0 :c0. c1023
[myname or the name of the user account created@localhost Downloads]$
(I just didn’t want to actually put my real name it displays on this public forum, hope it’s ok )
I had a feeling that accounts added via installer could give
or perhaps there was a box to tick to get that. Haven’t added accounts like that in a long time.
You presumably have password for the ‘root’ user. One terminal one could “become root” and then modify your user:
su -
usermod -a -G wheel myname
One has to then log out and login in order for the change to propagate.
If successful, the account becomes member of group ‘wheel’ and members of that group can use ‘sudo’.
So I get (after typing in my password after su - ) user ’ myname’ does not exist
Then I get su: invalid option - - ‘a’ try 'su - - help for more information
then I get # su usernod - a -G wheel my name
-bash: su - : command not found
Anymore ideas? Anyone? What shall I do here? Reinstall try something new?
What did you download? A rpm file? Appimage? Something else?
Post the exact name of the file you downloaded.
If it’s a rpm file you need to install it. If it’s an appimage you need to set it as an executable file and run it. If it’s something else then what you need to do will depend on exactly what it is.
Its a ZIP file but this is what you get when you hoose to download for linux-Thanks for answering me back!
So unzip the zip file and see what you’ve got, post the directory list here.
So I of coarse tried that and then an option came up asking me to select which application to open it up with. I didn’t see a familiar option and then tried to run a command line and my system tells me that under my account, there is no sudoer.
So it looks like you have the zip file in the Downloads directory, don’t try to open it, try to unzip it instead.
Something like
cd Downloads
unzip -l yourfile.zip
check the prefix, and if you’re happy with what’s inside
unzip yourfile.zip
Hiya!!! i run studio… and it works flawlessly on rocky!
just download it & just install?
what problem are you hving?
So I tried moving it before and doing the usual unzip -BUT NO! Instead upon right clicking (left clicking on it does nothing) I am prompted by a list of programs to choose from to open the program with. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE! I wanted to get this up and runniing already after a very long time of trying to figure out WHY o WHY DRS would not open in FEDORA even after trying to follow youtube video on possible fixes. SO I gave in and installed ROCKY. This appears to be the same exact thing as FEDORA. SO in frustration of not getting anywhere here and not knowing how soon before I can get some direction on fixing this issue, I called Black Magic Design to address the problem. They thought it was strange, the problem I am explaining here and recommended to simply download and install 8.6 which apparently comes with all the necessary libraries etc. I havn’t yet installed it but I think it’s important to provide this experience here because it just should NOT be happening. Why should one have to go to a previous installation of an Operating SYstem that is supposed to improve with each iteration ?
cd Downloads
unzip DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_19.1.3_Linux.zip
Don’t say mere “just install”. There are zillion ways to install software. So far we have seen only a compressed file. That is not a RPM that one could sudo dnf install filename
Because Black Magic Design made a Rocky spin with all the appropriate stuff included that allows Davinci to work. Unfortunately they didn’t update it to work with 8.10 - why? You would have to ask Black Magic Design why they didn’t do that.
You can right click the zip file and click the extract option from the menu. This should be available, also multiple times people have said use the command line using the unzip command to do it as an alternative if you are unable to figure out how to extract it with the GUI. Please don’t blame anyone here though for your lack of knowledge with Linux as that is what it seems right now since you don’t seem to know what Linux app unpacks a zip file, and usually from the list given it’s pretty easy to figure it out. Also since multiple times it has been given to use:
cd Downloads
unzip DaVinci_Resolve_Studio_19.1.3_Linux.zip
of which simple instruction you seem to fail to follow. Otherwise we would be closer to getting you to running DaVinci Resolve.
Perhaps we should note that one has to open “Terminal” application and then type those commands on its “prompt”.
Then again, if one has the “Files” application open and is at “Home”, seeing the “Downloads” directory icon, then right click context menu of the Downloads “directory object” might contain entry “Open in Terminal”, which would open the Terminal application, with the directory as current working dir (i.e. no need to ‘cd Downloads’). Might as in “if package gnome-terminal-nautilus
is installed”. It should be on “Workstation” and “Server with GUI” installs.
Anyway as other “news”, I did run el9 installer. On user creation tab there was “make Admin” check-box. Giving new account sudo privileges is thus opt-in in the installer. (Now I wonder if one would choose the “Disable root” option and create account without “Admin” option … would the installer make a remark about that combo?)
There is no Rocky 8.6. It vanished the moment Rocky 8.7 was released. At this moment the only Rocky 8 is 8.10.
Red Hat did support RHEL 8.6 for paying customers even after release of RHEL 8.7.
That was “Extended Update Support” (EUS) and did end in May 2024.
They do still support RHEL 8.6 for “Update Services for SAP Solutions”.
See Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle - Red Hat Customer Portal
I doubt that the product of Black Magic Design is for users of SAP Solutions.
There are concepts of API (Application Programming Interface) and ABI (Application Binary Interface). Executable can use library when the ABI does match. The ABI can change on every point update. Source code of an application can be recompiled to new executable in order to match new ABI of libraries as long as API remains compatible.
It does. Part of “improve” is to fix bugs. Particularly security vulnerabilities. Unfortunately some applications depend on vulnerable features that are fixed away. They should update to use better methods.
I guess you havent installed resolve, like i have a few times on my rocky systems… thats exactly what it is. just double click it to install.
YOu dont need to move to an older version, im running a couple of rocky 9.5 with resolve running flawlessly…
what is it you are having trouble with?