Change wayland to x11 *as whats used on* the startup screen

I know you can select x11 over wayland for after you log in. But it seems to me that wayland loads by default and is what’s used on the login screen itself? How do I make it so that, as I am selecting a user and putting in a password, it’s using x11 then, and not just after I log in?

I am a total noob and maybe in too deep with thinking I can switch to linux. But I wanna keep trying before I throw in the towel.

I install rocky 9.4 with KDE as my desktop environment, everything seems fine. I install the nvidia driver cause I am told that it works better with Autodesk Maya, the whole reason I am using rocky over something like mint or something.

Restart the PC and on the login screen the mouse moves every like 5 seconds. I have to type one letter per 5 seconds too. Or it wont work. At first, I thought I broke it and I kept reformatting and reinstalling the OS. But, I was looking around and it seems that this is a known issue with wayland and nvidia drivers? So, you change it to X11 and problem solved.

And the problem was solved, sorta. Before, on wayland, it was still glacially slow, the mouse and cursor and typing, even after I’d log in. But, change the login settings to x11, and once you are logged in, it’s all fine.

X11 makes the PC run fine… after you are already logged in. But the login screen itself is still painfully slow and hard to work with.

I think, what I need to do, is make it so when the computer boots up and is on the login screen, where you can choose wayland or x11. I need it to default to using x11 already. And not just default to selecting that after I log in.

I need the login screen to already be using X11 then. Sorry if I am being too repetative. I dont know how to say this and not be told to select from the drop down menu and it will remember my choice.

It does remember my choice, but it seems to only take effect after I log in. I need x11 to be active while I am selecting a user and inputting a password. Otherwise the login screen itself is a test of patience every time.

Thank you.

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Your issue is that the display manager (gdm) uses Wayland to draw itself (as that is the default).

Is there a file /etc/gdm/custom.conf ?
Adding/changing into it


ought to tell gdm to start with Xorg.

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I did this recently for another problem, the file is /etc/sddm.conf and you need to set DisplayManager=x11 to get it to default to Plasma (X11)

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