What Verson of Rocky Linux 9.x is out?

I know that RHEL 9.1 is out. but has Rocky Linux 9.1 been released? If so how was/is the installation program?? If the install is not too hair pulling and RL 9.1 is now OFFICIALLY out, I may sacrifice a drive (HDD) and do an install of RL 9.1 just to kick some tires.

D’ Cat

Rocky 9.1 has been generally available since 2022-11-26. Rocky Linux 9.1 Available Now | Rocky Linux

The installer is “same old, same old” and “best ever”, depending on how you see things.

My installation was 9 on one of my DevOps boxes however it has upgraded to 9.1 with typical updates. However I did an install of the Rocky Linux 9 KDE and then ran the update and it was the smootthest install of a Enterprise OS with a Desktop I have ever experienced. Recommend it to my friends and family.

Thanks, I figured it would come out somewhere the end of Nov. I think I’ll download RL 9.1. and install it on a 1 TB HDD.

I have been having a lot of medical problems and have not been keeping up on RL. Most of the time I’m asleep – real cat-like.

My Buddy finally got the NVMe drive mounted on an adapter card installed, and now WORKING though not sure exactly what encantations he used to get it to work.

In the meantime: May you ALL have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS – and just in case I don’t make it back here before then – A HAPPY NEW YEAR. With luck 2023 will be better than 2022 was.

D’ Cat