Vague accusations about shady business dealings?

I appreciate your comments, but wanted to make a couple points.

I think a key thing to remember is that the Rocky project and the RESF are governed by boards elected by the membership of the project. Greg may be on the board, but he does only have one vote and our bylaws limit the number of votes any one company can have. The project is comprised of a number of individuals and I think folks may be assuming Greg has more influence than he really does. If you check out About | Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation and browse our meeting minutes, you can see that Greg has recused himself from voting on multiple occasions.

I have no personal connection to CIQ beyond working with some of their employees who are also contributors to the project. I do personally believe that anyone should be able to sell support services for any open source products they wish. It’s been a legitimate business model since the inception of open source with a wide range of examples. I’m not sure why CIQ specifically gets called out so much for seemingly doing nothing different from many other companies.

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