Hi Rocky Linux community - Please let me introduce myself

Hello folks. I’m Markus and I’m new on the block. I’m currently rebuilding my development environment and I want to learn more about Rocky Linux as a true OPEN source distro for enterprise Linux. I’m evaluating an OpenStack deployment and Rocky Linux might be a good choice for that. Looking forward to interact with you and learn a lot. Always ready to help, if I can. Stay safe and have a great time. Kind regards, Markus


Welcome to the community Markus! Glad to have you here :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any questions about Rocky Linux and OpenStack. I’m a reviewer for the OpenStack-Ansible deployment project, and also help out with the Kolla and RDO projects from time to time. There’s definitely lots of places to get involved!


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Hello, Neil. Many thanks for offering to support me, I appreciate it much. At this point I am still figuring out how to start and I need to do more DYOR and some brushing up of my skills in the sectors of IaC and Linux. I will be happy, if I may reach out to you with some questions, as they arise.

Welcome :slight_smile: please feel free to ask any questions you may have here on the forums. There is also the Rocky mattermost server also and channels there.

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Thanks! I’m sure the questions will flow like water soon. :yum: I’m still getting around and reading basic documentation about the project and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation. I love the mission and values in the community charter. Getting a mattermost account next.

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hi my name is rich first time in this community, looking for credible alternative to centos

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Hello rich98, nice to meet you.

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Welcome Markus! Glad to have you here.