Sort folders before files in Nautilus (Rocky Linux 8.6)


I’m currently discovering the default GNOME desktop in Rocky Linux 8.6. So far I’ve tweaked it to fit my needs using various extensions.

There’s one detail I can’t seem to get right. In the default configuration Nautilus lists everything hodge-podge, a mix of folders and files. I’d like it to list folders first, but there seems to be no way to configure this. I installed dconf-editor and took a peek in org.gnome.nautilus.preferences. Some online documentation lists a corresponding sort-folders-before-files boolean, but this seems to be missing here in Rocky Linux 8.

Any suggestions ?

I’ll answer that myself, since I just found a very well hidden Preferences dialogue in Nautilus, with a nice “Sort Folders before Files” option. :slightly_smiling_face:

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There’s another option, As I am using Rocky linux with i3wm, There isn’t such a setting gui to tweek around.

gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-directories-first true

That also works.

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