Rocky Linux on Raspberry Pi 5

I have a problem with the installation of Rocky Linux 9.x on my Raspberry Pi 5. After creating my bootable SD card, at startup it appears the following message:

Trying partition: 9
type: 16 lba: 8192 ‘mkfs.fat’ ’ V ^ ’ clusters 36587 (16)

I have seen some other message that apparently it was not possible to install Rocky Linux on Raspberry Pi 5 but no new messages on this subject since September 2024.
Will there be any news on this subject or did I miss any information?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Hi Mathieu,
Unfortunately, at the moment, there isnt a Rocky Linux Image that supports the raspberry pi 5. We do have “beta” image that you could try out if you’d like. Feel feel to join the Sig/Altarch Channel on Mattermost for updates, etc.

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Thank you for your answer codedude,

Where can I find this beta version? I can’t join the Sig/AltArch channel on Mattemost, I get a continuous loading message, is this normal?

Thanks again.

EDIT : It’s ok for the Mattermost channel.