Image for Raspberry Pi 5

I know there was some work going on with a Pi5 image, but the thread seemed to have just dropped back in May. A nrew Raspberry Pi image seems to be up but it covers older MUCH slower Pis, the 3 and 4…

Is a Pi 5 image going to be made available, or can someone clue me in to how to build a working image to run Rocky Linux on my Raspberry Pis… Debian is great and all, but I need stuff for keeping up with what is actually in the enterprise on a shoestring budget so I need a RHEL recompile on my Pi hardware…

Yes, there will be an image for Raspberry Pi 5, however, at the moment, there isnt an ETA. We are definitely actively working on it though. You’re welcome to join us on Mattermost as we discuss progress, etc in the Sig/Altarch channel. In the meantime though, if you’re willing to do some testing, there is an BETA image available and someone dropped in our Mattermost channel and posted his process for getting the current image to work(keep in mind this method has not been fully tested) as well.