Rocky Linux official AWS AMI

when will can i found an official Rocky Linux AWS AMI on Amazon cloud to run an EC2 istance with this OS?
Thanks a lot

IIRC, @neil talked about it somewhere on Mattermost.
Is it still planned?

It’s coming. Our AMI was submitted to AWS and we’re just waiting for it to be published. We’ll be sure to update you when it’s available!


Thank you so much…
Will you reply to this post when the AMI will be ready?

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sure i’ll reply here


Could you provide us the Account number from which the AMI will be published? Thanks.

bumping with an update

An x86_64 AMI is now available via our account here.

cc: @sampath.ganji @ducarpit


Thank you so much @jorp

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Thank you @jorp. Do you know when the arm64 image would be available?

Thank you for the update. For those of us who prefer to avoid AWS Marketplace (for various reasons), can someone please provide a listing of AMIs for each of the regions? Thanks!

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I see that even if I get the ami ID, I had to subscribe to the product before using the AMI. Would it be possible to share the AMI from an account like CentOS is shared from Fedora’s official account?

Yup! here you go.

Could you publish AWS Marketplace product codes as well please?

Yes, it’s in the works. You can check out progress using this issue.

Could you please publish images from a known account outside of the AWS Marketplace?

I think a fairly common pattern is to deploy images using datasources in something like terraform to find the latest available image. Currently if you filter for “Rocky Linux 8.4*” in the AWS Marketplace account you will end up with a 3rd party image from CIQ which adds an extra support cost of the image (and I don’t know if the image itself has been tampered with).

I think it would be much better if one could just filter on images from your Owner ID (this was possible with CentOS), or at least publish clear guidance on the product codes that represent the official images.

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@albgus have you seen these: AWS Marketplace: Rocky Linux as from as far as I see, these are official Rocky 8 AMI images with only infrastructure costs.

Yes I know. But the problem is that you’re only publishing to the AWS Marketplace, which has a vulnerability where other vendors can create images with the same name and if you’re searching for the most recent marketplace images you run the risk of a 3rd party image getting picked up.

This isn’t a problem if your workflow is clicking through the quick-start guide for each server you deploy of course, but if you’re building AMIs with for instance packer and want it to automatically select the latest available AMI.

I know that this sucks and I don’t understand why AWS doesn’t seem to care about this - but the CentOS project, and AlmaLinux for that matter, publishes images under a specific account ID which makes it easier to filter for images from a validated official source.

Publishing the product code would be nice as well. This didn’t appear to happen in the issue that @jorp referenced seeing as it’s closed with no product code to be found.

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+1 regarding publishing the images outside of Marketplace, like CentOS did. In our case, we publish terraform configs using CentOS as the base image. When we had to use the Marketplace, a lot of users didn’t subscribe to the Marketplace listing before running terraform which results in errors. Images outside doesn’t require a subscription first, making the user experience better.

Hey folks - (ccing @syin , too)

We’ve had a page published for a bit now which shows this information like CentOS does - . I don’t think the release was very well announced to the community, though.

I’m still waiting on an internal ticket with AWS regarding our aarch64 images for 8.5, but once that is completed that page will be updated with the IDs for 8.5, as well as deploy links. Ideally, we’ll have the information available just via JSON, too.

I’d love to know what information would be most useful to everyone. I’ve heard both account (owner) ID as well as Product Code – both of which I think are things we can publish, as well as some scripts/guidance on how to find this information using AWS command line. I’ll take this as an action item for this week to get a document up on the wiki that details this, and link to it from the website.

Thank you so much for your patience, and please do let me know what information would be most useful, aside from the AMI IDs themselves. I definitely understand the plight of waiting for the subscription to do its thing, so the direct AMI IDs completely have their places.

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All images published on the marketplace will have an owner ID of 679593333241 AKA “aws-marketplace”

From a Terraform point of view, we look up images using “owner” and filter by “name”. For deployments where we don’t know the region in advance, that’s easier to manage than listing all the AMI IDs for different regions.

See this example here where ami_owner is “125523088429” which is the AWS account for CentOS and name is “CentOS 7*x86_64” to get the latest of CentOS 7.

If we have to use a Marketplace image, the ami_owner would be “aws-marketplace” or equivalently “679593333241”. “name” would be whatever the image name is called. I noticed that the current 2 marketplace AMI names are:

  • Rocky Linux 8.4-d6577ceb-8ea8-4e0e-84c6-f098fc302e82
  • Rocky-8-ec2-8.5-20211114.2.x86_64-d6577ceb-8ea8-4e0e-84c6-f098fc302e82

It would be nice if the name is more consistent, so that for example, I can filter for “Rocky Linux 8*” to get the latest 8.x, or “Rocky Linux 8.5*” to get the latest 8.5 image.

One thing to be careful of is there could be multiple images with names starting with “Rocky Linux” from different vendors. So if someone searched the marketplace for “Rocky Linux*”, an image from another vendor might be returned. In that case, adding “product-code” would ensure you get the image you expected. The product code of Rocky Linux is already publicly available: “cotnnspjrsi38lfn8qo4ibnnm”. This wouldn’t have been an issue if the AMI was just a public image rather than a marketplace image, since we would then be able to filter by “ami_owner”

Note another issue with Marketplace is that it’s a bit difficult to keep track of what version in the marketplace listing is deprecated. You do get an email notification from Amazon when the owner of a listing deprecates a version, but a subscriber can see/use all versions of a marketplace listing since the date of subscription, regardless of deprecation status. That makes my use of marketplace more complicated as my code could point to a deprecated AMI I have access to, but not my users who subscribe to Rocky Linux later than me.

Hope this make sense. I’m still trying to understand all the little quirks of publishing in AWS marketplace.