WHOOOPS ! Who’s user and group ID’s leaked on the ISO image ?
That is a service account on our infrastructure that handles rsync and our tier 0 mirror. It is harmless and does not affect the installation media.
Yes, a ‘find’ and ‘chown’ fixed it quite easily…
I suppose there’s a first time for everything…
That’s excellent, has there been progress on a better integration with STIG ?
When I enable STIG and run the STIG Tool to enable the rest, I run into an issue where the screen goes completely blank and the only way is to use the TTY hotkeys to toggle it back to life, it however completely becomes useful if the system is accessed from older network KVMs
Rocky Linux is added in as a derivative of RHEL. So the policies and profiles that can be applied to RHEL systems can also be done for Rocky Linux. It is likely the behavior you’re seeing may also be the same on RHEL 9.4. I currently don’t have a way to confirm this myself.
Looks like everything except the Docker container got updated properly.
The 9.4 container wasn’t released. It is a 9.3 container.
The images were uploaded on our docker hub and quay.io namespace as of this announcement. It always takes a bit longer for the ‘Official’ images from DockerHub as it goes through a separate process, and the team has been working on more urgent actions right now. These should be fully updated this week, but I would recommend, generally, that you use our namespaces’ images if you want the latest and greatest.
Since quay.io is the primary place where the team pushes images, shouldn’t the download page reflect that for the OCI images instead of the docker hub?
quay.io isn’t the primary, per se.
There are three locations:
- docker hub - rockylinux namespace - https://hub.docker.com/r/rockylinux/rockylinux
- quay.io - rockylinux namespace - Quay
- docker hub - library namespace - “official” images - https://hub.docker.com/r/library/rockylinux
Locations 1 and 2 are ones that Rocky Linux directly controls. The third is a location which we must file pull requests to have the containers tagged and released by Docker, Inc.
I started the latest Rocky9 AWS marketplace AMI today in us-west-2
: ami-04d0e02543f123fcf
and the /etc
permissions as 775
error, as previously mentioned here: Changed permissions on /etc in RL9.4 genericcloud image (ticket old, can’t be replied).
Back on June 12th, it was said the fixed images would be released to AWS but “will take some time”.
Is there an ETA for when those images will be released?
A post was split to a new topic: How does php 8.0 support openssl 3 in rocky linux 9