Rocky 9.5 minimal install via VNC over SSH, no input possible (like view-only mode, but the mouse cursor still changes)

As per the title, I’m trying to install remotely via VNC over SSH.

My colleague has booted up the machine from a USB Rocky 9.5 minimal ISO, appended the inst.vnc flag to the grub entry, and it boots up.

I’m able to connect to the vnc session over ssh with:

# ssh tunnel
ssh -fnNL 5901: <user>@<domain> -p<port>

and start a vncviewer (tigervnc)


and I’m presented with the installer screen:

If I move the cursor around, it changes shape as expected, for example, hovering over the “Type here to search” text box at the bottom of the Language selector causes the cursor to change to a text cursor, the “I” shape, but clicking into the text box, clicking buttons etc. doesn’t do anything - it’s as if the installer application just isn’t seeing the input events, whether keyboard or mouse.

You can see the mouse cursor changes (above the Type here to search box) here:

Things that I’ve tried:

  1. Different clients: I’ve tried Remmina as well as tiger vnc, but the issue is consistent.
  2. Opening a second vnc session, so that I have two vnc windows, I can see that moving the remote mouse cursor on one vnc window causes the remote mouse cursor to move correctly when seen via the second VNC session, so the remote mouse pointer is definitely moving.
  3. View-only mode: I’ve ensured that I’m not in view-only mode.
  4. Rebooting and restarting the installer: We’ve rebooted 3 times yet still have this issue.

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue are most welcome,
thank you!