Rocky 8.5 shows "Red Hat Insights"

I upgraded from 8.4 to 8.5, and it now shows below message after I login:

This system is not registered to Red Hat Insights. See
To register this system, run: insights-client --register

Is this expected behavior?

It’s in

The package can be safely removed. It was dropped from future repo data so it shouldn’t come back.


I have recently install 8.5 but above message still present. I understand it’s not harmful and we can remove it but is there any way to remove from 8.5 install itself. so no body bothered with this message again.

There is no way to remove it from the current media and kickstart repos. You will need to remove it after the install or use kickstarts to ensure that it is not installed or pulled in. For 8.6, we will be preventing insights from being part of the the initial media and repos.

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I have included steps to remove Rad hat insights to help somebody who don’t know about it.
Steps To Remove Rad hat insights:

  1. Search about insights through dnf command:
    sudo dnf search insights

  2. Now Run dnf remove Command and when asked type yes to remove this package:
    sudo dnf remove insights-client
