RHEL 8.5 Beta announced

I just noticed this on RH:

It seems to just babble about the “experience”, not sure if there’s anything you could actually use in real life…


Ansible roles are convenient, if one uses ansible for configuration management.

CentOS Stream 8 hints that there should be firewalld-0.9. The 0.9 will introduce “policy objects”. Upstream wrote:

With some exceptions (e.g. masquerade, forward-ports) firewalld was previously [pre-0.9] limited to being an end-station firewall. This meant you could not use it to filter traffic flowing between virtual machines, containers, and zones. A subset of that functionality was available by using the direct interface and writing your own iptables rules, but it wasn’t a great user experience.

What is needed is a way to apply a policy for traffic flowing between zones.

See? “Experience”.

Interesting about firewalld; it will be good to see the RHEL Reaease Notes for 8.5, which are normally comprehensive, e.g. showing which packages are updated.