R9 /var/log/messages filling with 200,000+ of same error


R9.2 (5.14.0-284.30.1.el9_2.x86_64) using /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop (not Wayland), NVIDIA drivers ~latest, and HP Anyware 24.07 graphical agent for remote; also in-person users. We are still on 9.2 due to pipeline/dev env requirements for now. I am getting hundreds of thousands of this error at seemingly random times and without any apparent pattern (no apparent pattern in cron/automated/user activity):

gvfsd[133932]: Error calling org.gtk.vfs.MonitorClient.Changed(): Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)

that error repeats from 1000s to 200000+ times until an error similar to this is thrown:
rsyslogd[993]: imjournal: 27151 messages lost due to rate-limiting (20000 allowed within 600 seconds)

how do I begin to troubleshoot this? thank you.

EDIT: fyi both nautilus and thunar are installed and accessible to gui users.
when the error occurs, there is some type of file system activity preceding it, but no clear pattern (copying a file, remote user copying a file to the host, auto-umounting an NFS share via autofs). the only clear requirement is that a GUI user must be logged in for it to occur. as it occurs, “top” shows 2 of the logged GUI user’s processes using a ton of CPU- for example:

4180 20 0 4209252 889064 47428 R 105.3 0.7 3:45.05 gjs
4214 20 0 1516448 957924 7616 R 99.1 0.7 3:49.04 gvfsd-trash

as soon as the log output ceases, these two processes drop off in a couple minutes. however, during one test user process “gjs” continues to use %CPU >100 for a long time.

how to proceed? related to this ancient post?:

‘gvfsd’ is the Gnome virtual filesystem daemon. With default Rocky 9.2, using only official repos and Wayland, it should not show these errors. Things to look out for are xsession, d-bus, thunar, and any remote filesystems. Maybe try without remote filesystems for a while and see if it still happens.

hi- thank you, but as stated- not Wayland:
using /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop (not Wayland)

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