No luck installing Mariadb and Mariadb-server on Rocky 8.5 for Ras Pi

After fresh install and update/upgrade, tried:
$ sudo dnf install mariadb-server mariadb

and got:

"Remi’s Modular repository for Enterprise Linux 66 B/s | 131 B 00:01
Errors during downloading metadata for repository ‘remi-modular’:

Another error but I’m out of link posts as a new user
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘remi-modular’: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: Status code: 403 for (link to remirepo net aarch mirror (IP:

Any thoughts?

This is all part of a tut to install osTicket on Alma. I’m sure I would succeed if I installed Alma in an x86 VM but I’m a Pi guy and really like to make things work on Rocky for Pi.


Could you please provide a link to the tutorial?

Thanks Tom.

Sure thing:

I don’t know if it’s the same on Ras Pi, but in general you should be using MariaDB from the official Rocky repos.


I’ve allowed the link.

Remi’s repo is x86_64 only. (Apologies should have checked earlier).

I think Remi is only there to cover the PHP 8 requirement, so if yo removed that repo I suspect mariadb would install fine.

But that does leave the problem of PHP8, I think the work around would be to be compile from source. This will be a PITA to maintain though. You would be better to run osticket on x86_64 VM IMHO.

Regards Tom.

EL8.6 did add PHP 8.0 stream. Seems to be there in Rocky aarch64. One has to switch the active PHP stream and then those php*8.0* packages do show for install.

Hi jlehtone,

Thanks, I’d missed that php 8.0 was now supported. If I understand correctly switching consists of issuing:

sudo dnf module enable php:8.0

@drushtx If you remove remi and the php packages it provides and install the ones now provided by Rocky’s base repos, I believe osticket should work as expected.

Thanks Tom.

Thanks for all of the info, guys. Now all I have to do is to learn a little more about how to remove the repo, “switch to the active stream” and the other advanced stuff that I don’t know yet. I’ll get it figured out with the info you’ve given. My one concern is that the notes seem to indicate that the fixes proposed here are for 8.6 but the RPi version of Rocky is still 8.5. We’ll see what happens.

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Thank you for allowing the link. working on finding PHP 8 in the RPi Rocky repos/EPEL. 7.x is there but no luck with 8. I’ll keep at it.
It would be easy to do the x86 VM but that’s not the point. I have a weekly, 2-hour live show where we use RPis as a tool to study for CompTIA (and other) certifications. The new A+ calls for ticketing system knowledge so I’m trying to install one on a Pi. If I can’t get osTicket on a Pi, there are others but I love the idea of doing it on an RHEL distro instead of Raspberry Pi OS. I’ve done other Rocky-based projects in the past and they were very well received.