With the announced CVE for the Fedora stack to Polkit…
cat /etc/rocky-release
Rocky Linux release 8.5 (Green Obsidian)
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
polkit x86_64 0.115-13.el8_5.1 baseos 153 k
polkit-libs x86_64 0.115-13.el8_5.1 baseos 75 k
Does anyone know if a new polkit will be available for Rocky 8.4 ? Or if it is ok to use the new Rocky 8.5 polkit instead on a Rocky 8.4 system?
There’s a patch for RHEL 8.4 specifically. Does Rocky have that yet?
Is there a way to tell if Rocky 8.5 has the vulnerability?
Yes, see FronkCox’s post about
polkit-0.115-13.el8_5.1.x86_64.rpm 25-Jan-2022 20:57 156452
polkit-libs-0.115-13.el8_5.1.x86_64.rpm 25-Jan-2022 20:57 76944
Does Rocky 8.4 have any support any more? Didn’t it become obsolete and unsopported the moment the Rocky 8.5 was released? AFAIK, there are no means to support 8.4 after release of 8.5 because Red Hat does not publish sources for anything but the latest point update, which is currently RHEL 8.5.
Previous minor releases are not supported. 8.5 supersedes 8.4, and thus 8.4 is no longer supported. When 8.6 is released, 8.5 will no longer be supported, and so on.
It is highly recommended that you update your system to the latest patches possible. Please update your system to full by running dnf update