Mismatch between RHEL8 and Rocky 8 ninja package

There is a mismatch between Rocky 8 and CentOS 8/RHEL8 as to the version for the ninja-build package. See https://rockylinux.pkgs.org/8/rockylinux-powertools-x86_64/ninja-build-1.8.2-1.el8.x86_64.rpm.html and compare ninja-build-1.10.2-2.el8 | Build Info | CentOS Community Build Service.

This is causing us issues since CMake requires 1.10 in order to build Fortran (and C++ modules, but that isn’t relevant for us). Note that CentOS 7 makes Ninja 1.10 available via the EPEL, so we have builds that work on EL7 which don’t on EL8 due to outdated packages, which seems weird.

Hello @jbills and welcome!

Keep in mind that CentOS 8, is now CentOS Stream 8, which means that CentOS does not compare to Rocky Linux 8 OR RHEL 8. I confirmed that the version in Rocky Linux 8 is as you reported, but I do not have an RHEL 8 system to compare it to. I suspect that it is also 1.8.2-1.

The current C8S build is in


and has version 1.8.2.

The mentioned build above is in the community build system builded by an users for individual usage. Its not for the compose of the EL8 distribution.

So, follow on question, EPEL 7 provides access to Ninja 1.10. What is the equivalent way to get Ninja 1.10 on a Rocky 8 system?

As its known, RL is a downstream rebuild (fixed correlation to upstream). So, you have following options:

  • Request such rebase at upstream | Log in to Red Hat Bugzilla
  • Use RL9 that provides 1.10.2
  • Ask a contractor to provide help to you to provide an overriding package for EL8 (I willing to help out)
  • Build yourself a rpm

BTW. The EPEL community will for sure not deliver such a package because its not allowed to overwrite packages in RHEL OS.

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