Hi in our company have very important server which still on rhel6.
Is it possible to migrate from this to Rocky Linux?
Or it have to be in rhel 8 after that I can migrate it to Rocky Linux
The AlmaLinux Community provides ELevate to migrate from EL7 systems to EL8 systems.
Personally, I recommend against migration. EL7 is substantially different form EL6 and EL8 from EL7. The EL6 to EL8 is a giant leap. It is much cleaner to make a fresh install of Rocky, implement configuration that is appropriate in Rocky, and restore data.
If I can’t do wipe-install-restore, then I usually have left unallocated disk space when I have installed the old system in order to now be able to install new without removing the old. That, unfortunately, is hindsight.
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