Key import error: "Signature not supported. Hash algorithm SHA1 not available."


I’m currently properly rebuilding my own RPM package repo for the stuff that’s not available in any of the third-party repos. Currently I have three packages for Rocky Linux 8 here:

I just ran into a strange problem when setting up the repo for Rocky Linux 9. On the client machines, I use the following stance for importing the repository’s GPG key:

- name: Import Microlinux GPG key
    state: present

On Rocky Linux 8, this works perfectly.

On Rocky Linux 9, Ansible spews back the following error:

TASK [repo_microlinux : Import Microlinux GPG key] ***********************************************************
fatal: [rocky-el9.microlinux.lan]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "warning: Signature not supported. Has
h algorithm SHA1 not available.\nerror: /tmp/tmpaupj3klo: key 1 import failed.\n"}

On a side note: my main workstation is running Rocky Linux 8, and I’m building packages for both Rocky Linux 8 and 9 using Mock.

Any suggestions ?

Recommended: Generate new keys that are not sha1.

Alternative (not recommended): Update your crypto policies to allow sha1.

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The latter would be with:

update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

as described in Chapter 3. Using system-wide cryptographic policies | Red Hat Product Documentation

But, since you make the keys, you can and should make the “better” keys.

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I’m not sure how I would go about that.

I have a local GPG key on my workstation that I’ve had for a few years:

$ gpg --list-secret-keys 
sec   rsa4096 2018-04-09 [SCA]
uid          [  ultime ] Nicolas Kovacs <>
uid          [  ultime ] [jpeg image of size 15912]
ssb   rsa4096 2018-04-09 [E]

I exported this key like this:

gpg --export --armour > RPM-GPG-KEY

And then I uploaded it to my repo.

I googled around a bit and found workarounds which consisted in editing ~/.rpmmacros. But as far as I understand, this has nothing to do with my key.

I admit I’m confused. What exactly is the bad part here, and how would I “make a better key”?

My bad. I did not check what “new keys” by @nazunalika means here.

The issue seems to be that the hash created by GPG when signing a package is SHA-1.
You probably saw the same things as me, like Enhancing RHEL Security: Understanding SHA-1 deprecation on RHEL 9

The “editing ~/.rpmmacros” is thus the “key” here – to force GPG sign with something other than SHA-1.

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What I still don’t get: in my case, Ansible fails at an earlier stage when importing my public GPG key. And this key is in no way concerned by ~/.rpmmacros.

I’m still confused.

Is the public GPG also a hash from the secret key?

What is the output for your key of:

gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep -A 2 signature | grep 'digest algo'

If its digest algo 2 then you should recreate your key-pair again with a proper gnupg configuration

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As far as I can tell, this was an old GPG key I had created under CentOS 7.

I just generated a new GPG key under Rocky Linux 8 and signed my packages with it, and everything’s fine now. Rocky Linux 9 can import the key without a hiccup.

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