How to compensate the lack of apps on rocky

You can install Goldendict from Flathub.

Setup Flathub:

  1. sudo dnf install flatpak
  2. flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
  3. flatpak install org.goldendict.GoldenDict

When you update your system using “dnf update”, you will also need to remember to run “flatpak update” to update Flatpak packages or you can just create an alias for it to run both.

I run Fedora on my desktop and Rocky Linux on my vpses, both are great but Fedora has got newer packages.


It worked. Now I have goldendict and every other app I needed. Thanks again @Cphusion.

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Glad to have helped out! With EPEL, RPMFusion and Flathub you should have access to all the apps you need! :slight_smile:

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