Version `GLIBC_2.38' not found

Installing application on Rocky Linux 9.4 64bit. All goes well except this error:

version `GLIBC_2.38’ not found
Any idea what I need to do? I figured 9.4 is the most up to date distro.
All advise and help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

glibc is version 2.34 for Rocky Linux 9. Upgrading it is not an option. You will need to work with the software vendor to determine if that glibc version is actually needed and if it’s possible to use 2.34 at a minimum.

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One thing that might help is to say which application and version it is?

ok thanks. I am not sure what the software developer is using it for. I will pursue.

If it’s a lone developer, you could get them to use Rocky as the build environment; that way the product is guaranteed to run on both Rocky and RHEL.

got this from the developer. his software is referred to as ‘StringDB’ (string database)
I checked StringDB on Redhat 9. Two packages that we use are missing: libbsd-devel and micro. Micro is not a big deal, although it is used as the default editor - but could be replaced by nano. However, the sd executable will not compile without libbsd-devel. It is in the current version of Fedora. It can be downloaded for Redhat 9 from the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. I don’t know if that repository is available for the clones such as Rocky.

A point of “clones” is that they look like “Enterprise Linux”, and that is what EPEL builds for.
So yes, what is in EPEL 9 is “for Rocky 9” too.

$ dnf install epel-release
$ dnf -q list libbsd\*
Available Packages
libbsd.x86_64                     0.12.2-1.el9          epel
libbsd-ctor-static.x86_64         0.12.2-1.el9          epel
libbsd-devel.x86_64               0.12.2-1.el9          epel

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