Gaming in Rocky

Step #2 - Install packages from official Rocky repos

as root

make sure powertools repo is enabled

dnf repolist
dnf config-manager --set-enabled "powertools"

make sure dev tools are installed
dnf group install "Development Tools"

install packages needed to build software in general

dnf install pkgconf-pkg-config
dnf install ninja-build
dnf install platform-python-devel
dnf install python36-devel
	python36, [d][e]
dnf install meson
dnf install glib2-devel
dnf install gtk3-devel.x86_64

install packages needed to build AisleRiot

dnf install libappstream-glib-devel
dnf install cairo-devel
dnf install GConf2-devel
dnf install glib2-devel
dnf install gtk3-devel
dnf install guile-devel
dnf install libcanberra-devel
//skip 'qt5-qtsvg-devel' and use librsvg2 instead
dnf install librsvg2-devel

still as root, create a directory for building software
mkdir -p /data/build
set permissions to allow create/read/write/delete for standard user
log out of being root

Step #3 - Build (and then play) the AisleRiot game

this part does NOT need root
as standard user

cd /data/build
decide git or tar?
the tarballs are too old, so we need to use git version which has tar.gz download option
wget ""
make sure it looks correct
ls -l aisleriot-master.tar.gz
extract it
tar -xf aisleriot-master.tar.gz
change to the extracted directory
cd /data/build/aisleriot-master
create two directories, one for building, one for “installing”

mkdir builddir/
mkdir inst/

configure it
meson setup builddir --prefix /data/build/aisleriot-master/inst/usr/local -Dtheme_kde_path=/usr/share/carddecks

install it as standard user without affecting any system locations

meson install -C builddir
echo $?

start the game
set the xdg data dirs, ‘glib-2.0/schemas’ will be added to the end of the path

cd /data/build/aisleriot-master
XDG_DATA_DIRS+=:inst/usr/local/share inst/usr/local/bin/sol

inside the game
you might want “Control : Click to move”

Step #4 - to uninstall later

remove the conf file from homedir

cat ~/.config/gnome-games/aisleriot
rm ~/.config/gnome-games/aisleriot

delete everything in ‘builddir’ and ‘inst’

cd /data/build/aisleriot-master
rm -rf inst/
rm -rf builddir/