Freeipa ansible & ansible-core version 2.15

Hi All,

I am trying to deploy FreeIPA with ansible but I get an warning stating ansible-core 2.15+ is required. I have ansible [core 2.14.14] installed since this is the default with Rocky 9.4.

How do I upgrade ansible-core to 2.15+ for compatibility with ansible_freeipa?

Best regards,

You unfortunately have to use pip.

# dnf install -y python3.12-pip-wheel
# pip3.12 install pipx>=1.5.0 --user
# pipx install ansible --python=python3.12 --include-deps --system-site-packages
# pipx ensurepath

Pipx will setup a venv for you. Highly recommend checking it out!

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Hi Louis,

Thank you so much, that worked great!

Best regards,

Nice. EPEL has pipx (for python3.9).

I have a single client out of a large number that always gives me this error even though the host is joined to the domain.

I run “ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/hosts playbooks/install-client.yml --ask-become-pass”

TASK [freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaclient : Install - IPA client test] ***************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “No module named ‘ipapython’”}

Do you have any idea why this occurs?

dnf provides */ipapython\* states that el9 package python3-ipalib provides that Python3.9 module.

However, Ansible constructs tasks with Python (A) on the control host and then executes them remotely on managed hosts with some Python (B) therein. The B can be different in each managed host and different from A. The question is, is it control host or the managed host that has to have the ‘ipapython’? The “works on other clients” hints that the answer is probably “the client” (i.e. managed host).

Should a play first install packages that the later tasks (in the client) rely on? Logically, yes.

Yes this is a client. The client also has all the required packages and freeipa-client is working. I still get this error even though the client works. I have identical clients working so it’s not a real issue it only happens on this particular client even though its working the logs say the client install fails.

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