/etc/centos-release messing up AWS SSM

Hello. Having a /etc/centos-release file (which is just a symlink to /etc/rocky-release) in my opinion isn’t the wrong thing to do. From a Release Engineering and development standpoint, it actually to help us with:

  • Be more compatible with vendor packages or otherwise that rely on the presence of that file (I personally think this is a mistake, vendors and otherwise should be looking for /etc/redhat-release at least and then at most /etc/someel-release file)
  • Helps with some builds without having to do our own patches in the distribution
  • Allows us to provide centos-release to enable our users to use CentOS SIG release packages now and in the future, while also allowing for easier migrations from CentOS to Rocky.

For more information about the above, see here or here.

As an aside, there is already an issue opened about this. I’ve asked my fellow team members to see if we can reach out to our AWS contacts to see about getting this addressed in the mean time.